Certified Coach
Expertises :
- Excellent communication skills, problem solving ability, creativity, and teamwork.
- Experienced in coaching leaders who seek to enhance their value to their company and boost career opportunities
- Ability on implementing sales and customer care process for direct and indirect sales channels: telemarketing, internet and point of sales.
- Ability to interface with all levels of professionals from subject matter experts to executives in customer care, marketing, revenue assurance, engineering , IT and others business areas.
Background :
- Bs. Electrical Engineering Unicamp – Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica (1992).
- Gestão e Estratégia de Empresas, Unicamp – Instituto de Economia (2000).
- Personal&Professional Coaching – SBCoaching (2014)
- Executive&Business Coaching – SBCoaching (2014)
- Happiness Coaching – SBCoaching (2015)
- Master of Coaching – SBCoaching (2016)
- Foreign Language: English: advanced level; French and Spanish: intermediate level