Brazil with Triunfo

Brazil with Triunfo

This strategic partnership aspires to developp e-coaching solutions on brazilian’s market.

Triunfo has been chosen by the PeopletoPeople Group to distribute PeopleCare in Brazil. PeopleCare is the first online training solution that combines manager skill self-diagnosis tools, e-learning modules and e‑coaching sessions.

Developed by the PeopletoPeople Group and aimed at middle managers, PeopleCare is already used by some of France’s largest groups, like Crédit Agricole, BPCE, Carrefour and EDF.




Canada with Trigone

Canada with Trigone

Trigone has been chosen by the PeopletoPeople Group to distribute PeopleCare in Canada. PeopleCare is the first online training solution that combines manager skill self-diagnosis tools, e-learning modules and e‑coaching sessions.

Developed by the PeopletoPeople Group and aimed at middle managers, PeopleCare is already used by some of France’s largest groups, like Crédit Agricole, BPCE, Carrefour and EDF.

This strategic partnership brings together the two groups who lead their respective markets, both from a commercial and a technical point of view.

Luxembourg  with Reval Consulting

Luxembourg with Reval Consulting

Already distributed in North and South America, PeopleCare keeps on convincing new partners in Europe.

Reval Consulting has been chosen by the PeopletoPeople Group to distribute PeopleCare in Luxembourg. PeopleCare is the first online training solution that combines manager skill self-diagnosis tools, e-learning modules and e‑coaching sessions.

Developed by the PeopletoPeople Group and aimed at middle managers, PeopleCare is already used by some of France’s largest groups, like Crédit Agricole, BPCE, Carrefour and EDF.



Réseau international de coachs labelisés PeopleCare

Nous avons créé un label spécifique pour nos coachs PeopleCare, qui vise à reconnaître leurs compétences et expériences spécifiques, partout dans le monde.

  • Il représente un véritable engagement de qualité pour nos clients.
  • Il exprime la volonté de partager nos convictions sur la manière de faire notre métier d’accompagnement.
  • Il garantit le niveau de professionnalisme et d’expertise des coachs.
  • Il certifie des pratiques homogènes, dans le respect de notre approche innovante.
  • Il assure l’harmonisation des postures au niveau international.